Jack and Jill, A lifelong photography project about the relationship of a boy and a girl, both played by one person... About Jack & Jill
two hearts beat as one
From Amsterdam to Rotterdam and back again… small exhibition @ Ihlia in the public library

Already a couple of weeks ago that we moved our pics out of the CBK in Rotterdam. Our exhibition in “De Grote Vitrine” at the CBK in Rotterdam   But, now we’re hanging in the OBA (Public Library) in Amsterdam again! It’s a retrospective: 5 years of IHLIA at the OBA. We hang there with [...]

Exhibition CBK – Little party the 11th of August

We’ve got another exhibition again! This time it’s at the CBK gallery in Rotterdam. And… there will be a little party! This will be on Saturday the 11th of August at 3 o’ clock. If you like to come, please let us know : jackenjill2009@hotmail.com   Exhibition at the CBK Rotterdam from July 21st until [...]

Our dog, Suus! ♥

We’ve got a dog!!! Her name is Suus. We wanted to name her Dexter or Suus, but she’s more of a Suus than of a Dexter.     Come on Suus, chop chop!     She doesn’t want to walk that way… she’s sure got a will of her own…       So we [...]

Jack with flu / allergy for dogs

Last week we had a guest: Uzi, the dog of my friend Lieke was staying at our place.   Unfortunately, Jack had the flu…. …but maybe he’s just allergic to dogs!       We had so much fun the three of us, that we also want a dog now!      


This year, like almost every year, we celebrated Queensday at Selmar and Paul’s house. Selmar made some very yummie cookies! Paul is the funny one with the orange glasses.   The weather was nice so we could sit on the balcony…       As you can see we had a really nice time!   [...]

Easter Breakfast

Our Sunday Morning Easter Breakfast! I’m having another chocolate egg (of which I’ve had enough already), while Jack ‘s having another bun… Boy, I really ate too much of those chocolate eggs, I’m feeling like one myself, now!

♥ Our very first picture together ♥

We went through some old pictures and we found the very first picture of us together! The two of us having breakfast… This picture was taken in 2007. That’s five years ago! I don’t think we’ve changed much since then… I wonder what we will look like when we are REALLY OLD!


Last weekend we were in Zeeland… It was cold! You wouldn’t say that if you see what I’m wearing. But I knew that we were going to take pictures, and I’m a little vain First we went to Middelburg where we absolutely had to take this picture in front of the Old Town Hall… Look! [...]

Playing Scrabble

Any Wordfeud addicts out there? We were, but we are clean now   Here we play a nice oldskool game of analogue Wordfeud: Scrabble…     Jack always comes up with the strangest words (I go over to Dutch now for an example: Zo komt ie bijvoorbeeld met het woord: mufs. “Ja, van muf!”, zegt [...]

The International Film Festival Rotterdam is in town!

Saturday we went to see the film “Weekend” with our friends Erik and Paul. It is quite a beautiful film about 2 men (Glen and Russell) meeting each other in a gay club in Nottingham. The encounter is followed by a weekend of drink, sex and discussions. What was expected to be a one-night stand [...]

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