
Our dog, Suus! ♥

We’ve got a dog!!!
Her name is Suus. We wanted to name her Dexter or Suus, but she’s more of a Suus than of a Dexter.



Come on Suus, chop chop!



She doesn’t want to walk that way… she’s sure got a will of her own…



So we turn around…

She’s the perfect dog for Jack: When I tell Jack to go walk with her because it’s already 10 o’ clock in the morning, she just turns her back on him and goes lying in her basket again…

She has definitely got a will of her own!

Posted on
Saturday, June 16th, 2012

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One Comment to “Our dog, Suus! ♥”

What a cute doggie!

July 11th, 2012
Mick Paauwe
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